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tv   ABC World News Now  ABC  November 30, 2012 1:40am-4:00am PST

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skydiver. >> first move happens quickly. position close to each other. woosh, the plane appears to fly between the skydiver's legs. then watch how the two maneuver so the skydiver seems to touch down, yes, on top of the plane. >> oh. >> look at that. >> and perhaps their final most daring stunt, the plane goes into a twisting free fall, and the pilot pulls up just in time to cross paths with the parachutist as he hits the ground. >> see, personally, me, i enjoy kind of watching that. it was a little disturbing to me, made me uncomfortable, but there's no way i would want to be part of that just because. >> i'm not. >> i don't need that adrenaline. i am high on life. i don't need the oh, i am almost going to die. >> congratulations. >> i made it. >> all took place in the skies over the czech republic, another event, sponsored by red bull. just leak the guy -- >> yes. >> -- who did the free fall from how many miles up. there are braver souls than you and i out there. and they're alive to tell the story.
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coming up, movie dramas featuring mobsters and psycho killer. all this morning's "insomniac theater." and soccer star david beckham, his decision to leave the los angeles galaxy. and the new chapter ahead for the sex symbol and his family. you are watching "world news now". >> announcer: "world news now" weather brought to you by sodastream. septic disasters are disgusting and costly, but avoidable.
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the rid-x septic subscriber program helps prevent backups by sending you monthly doses right to your door so you will never forget to maintain your system. sign up at
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describe the room. a big, open space. smells really fresh, man. oh! [ both laugh ] febreze? how about that? yeah. febreze anti-clogging technology keeps it smelling fresh. febreze. breathe happy.
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we told you yesterday about parent in washington state who were upset because children were being punished in what they call these isolation rooms. >> it turns out that these isolation rooms look this are only the tip of the iceberg in many schools across the country. abc's chief investigative correspondent brian ross has more. >> reporter: this surveillance video shows high school student andre mccollins in the lower right of the screen about go through what his school calls skin shock therapy for misbehavior. 60 volts of therapy. there are no national standard for restraints used on students, including andre with behavioral, later tied spread eagle to a restraint board. what happened at this school outside boston, an extreme example, was entirely legal.
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>> some day we are all going to look back and we're going to say, can you believe what we did here? >> reporter: an abc news investigation has found that only 17 states have specific laws protecting students from harsh treatments and restraints. >> that's there's thousands and thousands of children that have been traumatized, that have been injured. >> reporter: in arizona and washington state, parents are up in arms over padded isolation boxes or cells where students have been left for long stretches. in kentucky a mother found her autistic eight-year-old son had been stuffed into a duffel bag like this one, especially made to restrain children. >> they held me. >> reporter: in pennsylvania a group of students with behavioral issues described to abc news how they had been tied up or manhandled at previous schools. did it hurt? >> yeah. it really did hurt. >> reporter: jordan described being locked up in one of the isolation boxes? >> it's scary. really scary. even for the bravest person in the world, it's still really scary. >> reporter: and even work there have been dozens of deaths of
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students after being restrained by teachers or staff who were untrained or did not know the safe procedures. brian ross, abc news. >> brian pointed out in the piece one of the more alarming things there are not a lot of federal standard that guide this kind of thing. goes state by state, even district by district. >> what's odd, like i mentioned earlier, there is corporal punishment in schools. even in this situation, i thought parents had to sort of sign, some sort of waiver allowing the school to implement this kind of punishment on their children. i didn't know that they could just do it. >> hope it wouldn't be up to the district itself. a lot of questions. disturbing individually that's for sure. we'll be back with more right after this. >> announcer: "world news now" continues after this from our abc stations. ñ
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earlier this month, david
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well, earlier this month david beckham announced he is leaving the l.a. galaxy after six years on the team. >> beckham, who is, of course, one of most recognizable names in soccer is not planning though to hang up his cleats. so espn's correspondent look at what is next. >> david beckham will no longer be with the l.a. galaxy. >> when you first arrived, did you ever have one of those moments of what am i doing here? first game. i was like, this is going to be tough. this is going to be tough. i knew that coming here was always going to be a challenge. and i knew that it was going to be a challenge that i was going to enjoy. streve did i make the rite right decision? >> when i first arrived i was excited. when i first played my first game. i was like, this is going to be tough. this is going to be tough. i knew that coming here was always going to be a challenge. and i knew that it was going to be a challenge that i was going to enjoy. still revert to calling it futbol. it is futbol. >> we have a young up and comer
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on the team, a guy named david beckham. he is tough. in fact a rare man who can be that tough on the field and also have his own line of underwear. ♪ i'm just a soul whose intentions are good o lord, please don't let me be misunderstood ♪ >> how did the decision to move on go over with victoria and the kids? >> my wife is amazing. you understand that you have been part of this world for many years. the other half always go through difficult times because we're always away. my wife's a working wife. i love that about her. she's a working mom. she's the most amazing mom to our children. she's hard-working lady. >> i know you have been quiet on, on what's next. but what area of the world entices you the most to play in? >> i honestly don't know yet the i feel very honored that, at 37 years old, i am still having top clubs that have come in and want to talk to me.
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it's kind of -- kind of amazed me. i came here six years ago. i said that i was committed to being an ambassador for this game and for this league, for this country and for around the world. and that -- that's never going to change. >> interesting fact i didn't know. he suffers from obsessive compulsive disorder to the point there are three fridges in their house, one for food, salad, drinks. the drinks one, everything has to be even numbers. >> that's okay with me. that's fine. i'll have four refrigerators for him. >> let me ask you in that picture, let me ask you. did he score? picture, let me ask you, did he score? [ male announcer ] if you're eligible for medicare,
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now is a good time to think about your options. are you looking for a plan that really meets your needs and your budget? as you probably know, medicare only covers about 80% of your part b medical expenses. the rest is up to you. so consider an aarp medicare supplement insurance plan, insured by unitedhealthcare insurance company. like all standardized medicare supplement plans, they cover some of what medicare doesn't pay. and could save you in out-of-pocket medical costs. call today to request a free decision guide to help you better understand medicare and which aarp medicare supplement plan works best for you. with this type of plan, you'll be able to visit any doctor or hospital that accepts medicare patients... plus, there are no networks,
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and you'll never need a referral to see a specialist. there's a range of plans to choose from, too. and they all travel with you. anywhere in the country. join the millions who have already enrolled in the only medicare supplement plans endorsed by aarp, an organization serving the needs of people 50 and over for generations... and provided by unitedhealthcare insurance company, which has over 30 years of experience behind it. call today. remember, all medicare supplement plans help cover some of what medicare doesn't pay -- expenses that could really add up. these kinds of plans could save you in out-of-pocket medical costs. you'll be able to choose any doctor who accepts medicare patients. and you never need referrals. if you're thinking about your options, call today. when you call, request your free decision guide. and find the aarp medicare supplement plan
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that may be right for you. time for our friday morning edition of "insomniac theater." our time for our friday morning edition of "insomniac theater." and our first film is getting a lot of buzz. >> called "killing them softly" starring brad pitt and james gandolfini. a list.
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those of you like me who love the "sopranos," good to see him back on the screen. brad pitt stars. back up. three, not so bright guys decide to rob a mob-protected card game. that's when all the drama ensues. at that point. brad pitt plays a new orleans hit man hired to track them done to kind of restore order to the criminal economy here. corporate america overtones here. political overtones as well. an interesting movie. and brad pitt smelling like chanel no 5 throughout the thing. take a listen. >> i am going to drop a dime on a couple cops, who are going to take you back to where you are supposed to be. >> oh, yeah? >> no more booze, nothing. get yourself a shower. go to bed. i will get you up and tell you where to be. >> i don't take orders from you! >> 7:30. get some sleep. >> i miss the sopranos.
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only criticism i heard so far the themes are not handled subtly by the director. beats the point over the head a little bit. but brad pitt getting pretty good reviews for this one. >> i'll be check it it out, you know. well, from contract killers to serial killers, the next flick is called "the collection." it's about a man who escapes from the vicious grips of the serial killer known as the collector. this man is blackmailed to rescue an innocent girl elena from the killer's booby trapped warehouse, kidnapped from a club. take a listen to this. >> i'm going in for the girl tonight. this man is the best chance for us to bring her home alive. >> let's be clear about one thing. i will help you get there, butly not go inside. >> understood. you help us find elena, and you'll walk.
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>> unfortunately for "the collection" it's getting terrible reviews. in fact, 46% from rotten tomato. the san francisco gate says it is bloody, disgusting and ridiculous. the one thing is not horror, not real horror, not cinema. not even fun. >> harsh word. >> horrible. they're supposed to be campy, terrible. >> sound like my movie may bea safer bet. you are a brad pitt fan. just look those commercials. >> that's right. i'm going to watch. >> more from abc next. commercials. >> i'm going to watch. >> more from abc. i'm only in my 60's... i've got a nice long life ahead. big plans. so when i found out medicare doesn't pay all my medical expenses, i got a medicare supplement insurance plan. [ male announcer ] if you're eligible for medicare, you may know it only covers about 80%
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of your part b medical expenses. the rest is up to you. call and find out about an aarp medicare supplement insurance plan, insured by unitedhealthcare insurance company. like all standardized medicare supplement plans, it could save you thousands in out-of-pocket costs. call now to request your free decision guide. i've been with my doctor for 12 years. now i know i'll be able to stick with him. you'll be able to visit any doctor or hospital that accepts medicare patients. plus, there are no networks, and you never need a referral. see why millions of people have already enrolled in the only medicare supplement insurance plans endorsed by aarp. don't wait. call now.
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this morning on "world news now" -- mystery man. is this man seen on a gas station surveillance video one of the big powerball winners? >> ooh, look at that reaction. eyewitnesses caught quite a scene as this guy checked his numbers and then took off. it is the last day of november, friday the 30th.
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>> announcer: from abc news, this is "world news now." good friday morning. i'm sunny hostin. paula faris is on assignment. >> and i'm rob nelson. in a moment we'll have the latest on the search for the new powerball multi--million airs, and how a ticket from arizona might have ended up in the state of maryland. everyone playing detective on the story trying to figure out, is that guy the one who won big? >> i'm hating on them. >> we all do. a little jealousy is perfectly understandable. alzheimer's ahead in the show, 'tis the season for warnings about dangerous toys. the feds just rounded up huge shipments of play things that could have been deadly. >> very important story there. and then the story behind a simple act of kindness reverberating around the world. a police officer, a homeless
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man, and a pair of boots warming so many hearts. and this is just my favorite story of the day. >> let's face it in a lot of cities certainly here in new york we pass homeless people every day just trying to get by. this cop went above and beyond the call of duty and showed an inspiring level of compassion. we'll show you the backstory on that coming up as well. later you figure michael jordan can probably golf anywhere in the world he would like because he is air jordan after all. wait tell you hear why one golf course just banned him from playing there. that is coming up in "the skinny." wow, anyone bans one of the greatest sports legislates ever. >> that sounds like a bad business decision to me. i don't get it. >> i don't either. we'll explain it. we begin with the $587 million question. just who are the lucky winners of the largest powerball payout ever? it's not me. >> nor me. surveillance video from suburban washington, d.c., shows a man certainly acting like a new multi-millionaire.
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the pictures capture him checking his ticket at a gas station in maryland. the clerk and several customers say he had all six numbers, he said he bought the ticket in arizona, but left without revealing his identity. abc's brandi hitt is following the story and has the latest. good morning, brandi. >> reporter: good morning, rob, sunny. we'll soon learn who is holding one of the two lucky powerball jackpot tickets. later this morning the winner from missouri will be revealed. we don't know yet who the instant multi-millionaires are, but two winning tickets were sold in weekend's record $587 million powerball lottery jackpot. one was purchased in arizona. another in missouri. and powerball officials say they haven't come forward to claim their prize yet. the winning ticket in arizona was a $10 quick pick. >> if you are the winner, we ask you to take the following steps. sign your ticket. it's so important to get that ticket signed. of course, keep the ticket safe. >> reporter: the second winning ticket was sold at this truck
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stop in dearborn, missouri, 35 miles north of kansas city. >> awesome one of us could touch that ticket, you know? that's what makes it so awesome. >> reporter: norman lingle, chairman of powerball's board of directors, says the winners have two options. they can take the cash immediately or spread it out in payments over time. the jackpot rolled over 16 times without a winner. that's why it got so huge. nearly nine million ticket holders won smaller consolation prizes. if you matched five of six numbers, you'll share in a prize totally more than $130 million. one of the $1 million tickets sold at this store in new york. >> somebody win $1 million in my store. that's a great news. >> reporter: the store owner believes the winner is a member of the community. >> no, i wish i was. you would see me jumping up for joy, praising the lord. >> reporter: ticket sales spiked 500% in arizona because players traveled from california to try and get in on the big prize.
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now california will become the 43rd powerball state, thanks to a vote yesterday by the lottery commission. californians can buy their tickets in april. rob, sunny. >> april 8th. to be exact. thank you, brandi. how many tens of millions live in california. now the jackpots will get even bigger with california jumping in. >> why not be a powerball state? >> think about the stat. how crazy people got. at the height of the frenzy day before, day of the drawing, they were selling 130,000 tickets a minute out there. >> i bought some. i bought some. did you buy any? >> who couldn't? >> you had to. you have to get wrapped up in it. welcome, california, to the mayhem. all right. other news, the united nations has overwhelmingly approved recognition of a palestinian state. that's a move fiercely opposed by the u.s. and by israel. however, in the west bank, fireworks went off and the celebration was on. the vote upgraded palestine to a nonmember, nonvoting observer status at the u.n. the palestinian delegation
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unfurled its flag right there on the floor of the general assembly. the u.s., israel, and allies oppose the vote saying it was all premature. the american soldier accused of leaking a trove of classified documents to wikileaks will be questioned in a military court again today. private first-class bradley manning took the stand in a pretrial hearing yesterday making his first public statement since his arrest two years ago. manning wants his case thrown out, claiming he suffered unlawful punishment during his first year in detention. there are reports of a settlement in a sex scandal that made international headlines. no details yet on the agreement between former international monetary fund chief dominique strauss-kahn. you guys probably remember this story. as well as the new york city hotel maid who had accused him of sexual akault. prosecutors have dropped criminal charges against strauss-kahn, but the incident ended his political career as
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well as his marriage. you remember once that woman came forward and gave that big interview to robin roberts last year, and then several other women came out as well. he kind of never admitted guilt but said it was a moral lapse, whatever happened in that hotel room. so according to some sources there will be another court hearing next week on the matter. >> i was covering the story, trying to remind everyone when i was analyzing it that just because the prosecutor says i can't prove this case does not mean it didn't happen. it just means that something fell apart, perhaps the victim has given conflicting testimony, stories, something has changed, but it doesn't mean it didn't happen. this settlement in my view, you know -- >> how much money are we talking? >> talking millions of dollars. >> really? >> also some sort of confidentiality clause. she can't talk about this ever again. >> but it's safe to say she may not be a hotel maid much longer? >> i think it's safe to say,
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yes. >> ah, yes. there we go. well, federal agents seized a shipment full of dangerous counterfeit toys. investigators say the products that arrived on a new jersey dock were loaded with lead paint and banned chemicals. many were not wired properly. others had small parts, posing choking hazards. all were destined for store shelves and eventually into the hands of children. >> it bothers me when little children have access to lead that's way beyond the limits and also when children get small parts and swallow them and it lojs and asphyxiates them. >> all the seized "made in china" products will be destroyed. parents are warned to be extra vigilant about toys they're buying during this holiday shopping season. those powerful storms pounding the west coast are not letting up this morning. parts of northern california and oregon are feeling the brunt of the torrential rain and gusty winds this morning. by the time it is all over some
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areas could see up to 20 inches of rain, and higher elevations are expecting more than 8 feet of mountain snow. i don't know if i have ever said that in my life -- 8 feet of snow. on top of that, flood watches and warnings issued now from san francisco to southern oregon. that storm is also kicking up high surf that is crashing down on just about the entire coast of california. they're now seeing the biggest waves of the season, as high as 20 feet, in fact, and surfers in the southern part of the state were, of course, making the best of it, hanging ten. that's right. yeah. all right. here's the rest of your friday forecast now. we have rain, mountain snow in the pacific northwest and northern rockies. some morning fog and light drizzle in the los angeles area. rain and snow showers around northern michigan, green bay, and milwaukee, and western new york. also gets a wintry mix. >> 40s from chicago to new york. mostly 70s across the south. 60s from salt lake city to albuquerque. and warning, this next video may be difficult to watch. a strong man from the nation of georgia, yes, set out for a new
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world record by pulling a truck with his ear. the truck weighed more than 8 tons. >> good lord. somehow the team managed to attach a rope to his left ear without it falling off somehow, and he pulled that truck more than 70 feet. the guy said he trained two months, which topped his ear achievement in 2011, pulling a seven-on the military helicopter at the time. >> i'm just so disturbed by this. >> we all have dreams and hobbies. >> i can't. i just -- >> yes, it will be submitted to the guinness world record. not to mention the local chapter of mensa. all right. coming up next, michael jordan's outrage at the country club, and it was not about his golf score. >> hmm. and a new york police officer's act of kindness getting attention worldwide. what an inspiration for us all.
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you're watching "world news now." ♪ everything's right i said hey i put some new shoes on ♪ >> announcer: "world news now" weather brought to you by united health care. ♪ everything's right i said hey i put some new shoes on ♪ >> announcer: "world news now" weather brought to you by united health care. and your budget? as you probably know, medicare only covers about 80% of your part b medical expenses. the rest is up to you. so consider an aarp medicare supplement insurance plan, insured by unitedhealthcare insurance company. like all standardized medicare supplement plans, they cover some of what medicare doesn't pay. and could save you in out-of-pocket medical costs. call today to request a free decision guide to help you better understand medicare and which aarp medicare supplement plan
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♪ ♪ hey i put some new shoes on ♪ and suddenly everything is right ♪ >> amazing really isn't the right word for the next story. everybody loves this one for good reason. a new york city cop in a private
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moment of kindness buys a pair of boots for a man who was amazing, really, isn't the right word for the next story. everybody loves this one for good reason. a new york city cop in a private moment of kindness buys a pair of boots for a man who was barefoot and homeless on the street. >> this is our "favorite story of the day." absolutely. after a tourist snapped a picture, that picture went viral. the officer came forward. abc's dan harris has more. >> reporter: a new york city police officer on a frigid november night in times square, bending down to give a homeless afrtd and shoeless man a pair of brand-new boots. this scene would have gone unnoticed except jennifer foster, a tourist, just happened to be there. >> i heard him quite clearly say i have these size 12 all-weather boots for you. let's take care of you. >> reporter: she snapped this picture and sent it to the nypd. the department posted to facebook, it has 2 million views, 400,000 likes and 28,000 comments and passed from romania to russia to china. and the officer himself came forward. he is lawrence deprimo, an unfailingly polite 25-year-old
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who still lives with his mom and dad. >> so i went up to him and i was like, buddy, where's your socks, where's your shoes? he said, i never had a pair of socks or shoes, officer, but god bless you. i knew right then i needed to help him. >> reporter: when you presented him with the boots what was his reaction? >> he couldn't believe it. he was this is too much officer. god bless you, be safe, everything. like i said, almost like you gave him $1 million. >> reporter: officer deprimo doesn't know anything about the man he helped or what's become of him, but he keeps the receipt for the $75 he spent on the boots in his bulletproof vest, a reminder for all of us about the pervasiveness of need and potential for compassion. dan harris, abc new, new york. >> just a pure act of kindness. >> and he heard -- just before he got the boots, he heard someone chuckle at the homeless guy on the street. he said, what are you kidding me?
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went over and got the boots. and even the store he went to, the manager there used his employee discount to get the boots a little cheaper because he knew what the cop was going to do for the homeless guy. >> $75. a lot of money. on anyone's salary. a public servant's salary. a lot of money. >> salute the cop. glad it has gone viral. >> only 25 years old. that struck me as well. >> young and compassionate. >> that maturity and compassion for someone that age. >> mama raised him right. >> yes, yes. >> yes, indeed. coming up next, all the real-life drama that forced superstar halle berry to make a big move. and a new chapter in justin bieber's legal controversy. that's coming up next in "the skinny." >> announcer: "world news now" continues after this from our high speed internet at home on our newly expanded advanced digital network, a connection you can count on. introducing at&t u-verse high speed internet with more speed options, reliability and wi-fi hot spots than ever. go to our website below to get u-verse high speed internet for just 14.95 a month for 12 months with a one-year price guarantee. it's all the speed you need all at a great price.
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♪ skinny so skinny welcome back, everybody, to "the skinny." interesting kind of situation for nba legend/rock star michael jordan. apparently he showed up at la gorce country club, a swank little place in miami to play a little golf. apparently played golf there for a lot of years. apparently he had on cargo shorts at the time. all right, fine. weather is warm in miami. at the 12th hole he was approached. >> he looks pretty good. >> looks good. 12th hole approached by personnel at the club. they said it is against the dress code policy to wear cargo shorts. please go back to the clubhouse and change. jordan refused to go back to the
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clubhouse. and then they said, okay, well, you are no longer allowed back here, mr. michael jordan. his folks release add statement and say he had been there many times before, had worn cargo pants previously, never made aware that was against the policy. and, yes, it is true. he refused to interrupt his game. we weren't aware of the policy. his agent, representative, said i guess it is their loss. m.j. is great golfer and great guest. i don't know what business on the planet would turn michael jordan away. apparently the country club in miami is one of them. >> nice going. la gorce. smart. >> it's michael jordan. >> good business decision. [ laughter ] well, halle berry, halle berry, very unlucky in love we have been talking about the fact there was that big showdown between halle berry's ex, the father of her 4 1/2-year-old beautiful little girl, nahla, and her fiance, olivier martinez.
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now apparently halle berry and gabriel reached a truce in their custody war, any protective, and any temporary restraining order against aubrey has been lifted. it's unclear weather or not aubry's restraining order against martinez filed monday whether that remains in effect. but at least it appears that they have reached a truss, which is terrific, because they are the parents of a 4 1/2-year-old and it clearly isn't in the best interest of the child for them to be squabbling the way they have been. but i will say, you know, halle berry wanted to take the girl all the way to france. >> that didn't sit well. >> and her new fiance really beat up aubrey. that's crazy. >> maybe a truce. they're moving forward. >> lack at that. that was a very violent altercation. i guess maybe it was so violent she wants to get out of the home. she's listed her hollywood hills home where this took place on
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the market $15 million is the asking price. look at that. >> olivier got the better of the matchup. the story from a year ago, justin bieber, paternity suit, the woman came forward, we had a backstage tryst, the kid is yours. at the time what was central was the paternity test. bieber said, look, fine, i will take it. apparently, her lawyer, all these months later said we don't have the results of that paternity test. weather justin is, in fact, the father. >> but he took the paternity test. he took it, right? >> they are saying they do not have the results. still waiting for them. who knows. real quick, medical note, joe jackson, father of michael jackson, suffered a mild stroke in the hospital, recuperating. wish him well. now." in the hospital, recuperating. wish him well. [ female announcer ] he could be your soulmate.
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but first you've got to get him to say, "hello." new crest 3d white arctic fresh toothpaste. use it with these 3d white products, and whiten your teeth in just 2 days. new crest 3d white toothpaste. life opens up when you do.
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now." >> sleep is overrated. you are watching "world news now." >> sleep is overrated. ♪ ♪ >> all right, time now to take a look back at the week that was. all right. time now to take a look back at the week that was, and it was
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all about the benjamins, baby. >> from the crush of holiday shoppers to powerball fever to fears of a fiscal cliff. here's our "friday rewind." >> it's become pre-thank, black, small biz cyberweek. >> cyber monday is a big deal for us. it's real. it's not something made up for us to get some hype. >> free powerball tickets for the next drawing. >> it would be the best thing in the world. nobody in my family would ever have to worry about anything again. if congress does nothing, every family in america will see their taxes automatically go up at the beginning of next year. >> i will violate the pledge, long story short, for the good of the country. >> i'm not obligated on the pledge. >> the world has changed, and the economic situation is different. >> susan rice is extraordinary. i couldn't be prouder of the job that she has done. >> the concerns i have are greater today than they were before. >> by all accounts she is talented, capable, and extremely
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abrasive. >> we have a new -- a new -- [ indiscernible ] >> reporter: the crowd is chanting the same chants we heard two years ago during the revolution. the industry apparel brand in the u.s. have been warned again and again about the extreme dangers to apparel workers in bangladesh and yet they have not taken action. >> i was blown away that at the heart of this hunt was this young woman who had a kind of tenacity and dedication and a courage. she would never say no. i'm on "two and a half men." i don't want to be on it. please stop watching it. please stop filling your head with filth. the winners and champions of "dancing with the stars" all-stars, melissa and tony! [ cheers and applause ] >> i think that this is kind of dannielynn's way of paying
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tribute to her mom in her own special way. >> i look at the picture. it is amazing how much that little girl looks like her mom. beautiful little girl. >> isn't that unbelievable? >> beautiful. her mom was gorgeous. >> absolutely. you have to wonder if she will go down the same path professionally, follow in her footsteps with the modeling, you know, and gets the bug and keeps going. interesting. never dull what happens in a week. we want to know what you are up to out there. tweet us pictures why you are watching. twitter, abcwnn, use hash tag, #wnnfans. >> announcer: this is abc's "world news now," informing insomniacs for two decades. @ñ
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this morning on "world news now" -- tough talk. the two sides dig in without this morning on "world news now" -- tough talk. the two sides dig in without much progress to report in heading off that looming fiscal cliff. >> today the president hits the road to make his case for higher taxes on high-income americans. it's friday, november 30th. >> announcer: from abc news, this is "world news now."
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good friday morning, everybody. i'm rob nelson. and look which one of our buddies is back for the day. >> you know i love sitting here with you. >> we have a good time always. too much fun actually for friday at 2:00 in the morning. >> friday should always feel good. let's make it fun, why not? >> true. glad to be here. i am sunny hostin. paula faris is on assignment. in a moment we'll see where talks stand in that effort to head off the financial doomsday scenario that everyone is talking about. also ahead, the mystery man captured on a security camera at a maryland store. he appears to be holding a winner powerball ticket. at least that's how he's acting. >> yeah. people don't shake it like that because you've got your twinkie, you know. you're shaking like fwhaus you came into serious cash.
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so we'll see if that is indeed one of the winners. also in this half hour, a major player that makes a popular generic medication halts production when tiny bits of glass turn up in their pills. the latest trouble for this big time drug maker. >> can you imagine that? come on. later, vending machines for the 1%. caviar and wine, anyone? some very expensive treats. now just a push of a button away. >> wow. caviar in the vending machine? really? >> chilled. >> i don't know, man. just get your chips, starburst. >> wine, people that can't find a bar. >> there is nothing in the abc vending machine downstairs, except funyuns that expired in 2008. sounds pretty nice about now. first, the big news of the morning, the impasse, continuing impasse on capitol hill. if the latest round of partisan
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sniping is any indication, talks on averting the so-called fiscal cliff are going nowhere fast. >> president obama is going into campaign mode to win support for his plan. visiting a pennsylvania toy factory today. the deadline is a month and a day away. as abc's karen travers reports. good morning, karen. >> reporter: good morning, rob. good morning, sunny. yesterday was round two between the obama administration and congressional leaders on capitol hill. and things aren't looking good. basically at this point, both sides have laid out an agenda, and they're waiting for the other side to blink. so much for that brief burst of optimism in washington over the fiscal cliff talks. now republicans and democrats can't even agree on where things stand. >> no substantive progress has been made in the talks. >> and you know there is progress. >> treasury secretary tim geithner sat down with bipartisan congressional leaders to keep pushing for a deal. a top boehner aide said the plan geithner presented is, quote, completely unrealistic. and a top democratic aide said republicans have taken to screaming at them. if no action is taken by
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december 31st, 650 billion in cuts to the pentagon and domestic programs and tax increases automatically go into effect. after the meeting, the finger-pointing came quickly. republicans say democrats aren't bringing to the table a plan that include significant cuts to medicare and entitlement programs. >> revenue was only on the table. if they were serious. spending cuts. >> the white house drew its own line in the sand and said tax rates must go up on the top earners, but -- >> the middle-class tax cut should be made permanent. >> president obama stayed out of the fiscal cliff discussions and sat down for lunch with former rival mitt romney. >> i am sure they will or have already compared experiences on the campaign trail. >> today president obama hits the road to push for his plan to avoid the fiscal cliff. but republicans have slammed him
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for campaign-style politics that they say just won't get the job done. rob and sunny, back to you. >> can you really imagine that they're not going to reach some sort of deal to avoid the fiscal cliff? i mean that would be so unpopular across the nation. >> you would -- if you can take an action that would solve the problem for 98% of the country and then come back to the debate about the wealthiest 2%, let's get that first chunk done. republicans fear they could lose leverage if they cave in on the middle-class issue. apparently the president, his team has made increased demand here including, a provision now, part of the negotiations where, the congressional control over the debt limit would go away. and congress does not like to have its power take any way. so maybe the white house, upped the ante and played the stronger card and has republicans balking, according to reporting by "the washington post." that's a new element, all of that, that could prove interesting because it's stripping congressional control. and we just had the big debate over the debt ceiling. >> exactly. >> interesting. the clock is ticking, fellows, for sure.
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speaking of money, extending jobless benefits for the long-term unemployed could help the economy, but costing the government. according to the congressional budget office report, the benefit extension would add 300,000 jobs to the economy, but the federal price tag would be $30 billion. long-term benefits are set to expire on the 29th of december unless congress approves that extension. now to the newest multimillionaires in the country. the mystery winners of the record breaking powerball jackpot. surveillance video from a gas station in upper marlboro, maryland, may have captured one of the lucky winners apparently as he checked his text. store clerks and customers said the man had all six winning numbers and said he bought it in arizona. after the initial shock, he filled up his tank and left without revealing his identity. abc's alex perez has more from the missouri town where the other winning ticket was sold. >> reporter: at cook's corner cafe, place where everybody knows your name, everyone seem
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to be staring at each other a little closer. >> this is the biggest thing that ever happened here. >> reporter: in a town this small, word travels quickly. one man even claiming on facebook that he's the winner. his mom is vouching for him. >> just shocked. i mean i thought we were all going to have heart attacks. >> reporter: the excitement is growing as the town waits for the official announcement. >> could be anybody. we're just waiting to find out. it's so exciting. >> there are dreams of that very lucky person helping to make dearborn better. >> hope it is somebody local. >> reporter: the possibility of one neighbor's extremely good fortune, enough to raise good spirit here and fill them with hope. alex perez, abc news, dear born, missouri. in washington today the supreme court will decide which of seven cases involved same-sex marriage they will consider. the cases range from the right to marry in california to the receipt of federal marriage benefits for same sex married
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couples to the broad issue if the constitution protects gay people's right to marry. the decision could be announced as soon as this afternoon. former president george h.w. bush could be home from the hospital sometime this weekend. doctors say he's in stable condition. he's being treated for bronchitis that has sent him back and forth to the hospital over the past few weeks. mr. bush's spokesman says the condition is not life-threatening, but he understands the concern. >> at age 88 when you're talking about bronchitis, last thing you want to have happen get into the lungs and become pneumonia. >> president bush has a form of parkinson's disease that makes it difficult to walk. >> in good health, the skydiving thing. >> yeah. all right. people who take one of the nation's most popular prescription medications will need to find another option. one company that makes the generic form of lipitor shut down production after small pieces of glass were found inside the pills. abc's david kerley has more. >> reporter: the company that produces more than one in three
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generic lipitor pills taken in this country has shut down all production. the problem, ranbaxy can't figure out how glass particles the size of a grain of sand have gotten into the pills. the contamination has not led to patient problems, but consumers have been told to return the ranbaxy generics are popular. pills and get another brand. generics are popular. name brand lipitor costs $4.72. this is just the latest manufacturing problem for ranbaxy. earlier this year the u.s. government forbid the company from importing 30 drugs from some of its facilities in india because of bard record-keeping. >> the company has real difficulties with quality control not just in one or a couple of its facilities but in many facilities. >> reporter: even though there is only one, there are enough manufacturers to make up for any shortages.
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david kerley, abc news, washington. an important warning for a lot of folks. a lot of folks have cholesterol issues. here's a look now at your weather going into the weekend. stormy in northern california as yet another storm moves in. bringing even more flooding rain. mountain snow to that area. wet in seattle. portland, 20 degrees above normal for much of the rockies. also rain and snow around the great lakes. >> 40s in the midwest. 50s across the great plains. 70s from dallas to miami. and when you see this next video, you might be wondering who let the dog out. >> who, who. >> not just any dug, but the white house dog. >> take a look at the annual white house holiday video starring, first dog bo. the obama family is nowhere to be seen as bo goes from room to room, inspecting the christmas decorations. he even faces off with a larger-than-life topiary made in
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his own likeness. >> it looks like bo ultimately won the standoff though ending up with the victory santa hat. >> oh. >> look at that. >> i venture to say that that dog lives better than all of the natural people around the country. bo is living the good life. >> and he's so well trained too. walking around all those christmas trees with all those glass ornaments. >> you're right. all the people in the white house. >> i have three dogs. can't let my dogs go anywhere. aren't ready for primetime. >> why three dogs in the house? >> i like animals. >> a bird too. >> three dogs and a bird. anything else? just three dogs and a bird. >> for now. >> all right. well, coming up next, when dr. doolittle and i return, this year's highest paid musician and how he cashed in. and is lindsay lohan just a magnet for trouble? the accusation, the arrest, and what it means for her future. you're watching "world news now." ♪ bad girls sad girls talking about bad bad girls ♪
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>> announcer: abc's "world news now" weather brought to you by >> announcer: abc's "world news now" weather brought to you by quantum finish ball. [ female announcer ] life is full of little tests, but your basic paper towel can handle them. especially if that towel is bounty basic. the towel that's durable, and scrubbable. in this lab demo, hd 3 picker-upper... able now costs even less.
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brings light and fragrance together, to create a mesmerizing experience in your home. try the new color changing candle. something in the air wick.
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♪ bad girl ♪ talking about ♪ bad girl ♪ talking about >> perfect song. >> excellent choice. well done. another day, another arrest for lindsay lohan. this time she's facing charges for allegedly punching a woman inside a new york nightclub. yes, punching a woman. >> that was only the beginning of her very bad day. abc's t.j. winick has more. good morning, t.j. >> good morning, rob and sunny. it seems as long as we cover these stories, lindsay lohan will continue to make news for all the wrong reasons. like the proverbial car wreck
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there are some who can't turn their eyes away from lindsay lohan. >> lindsay, what are you drinking? >> reporter: this time the troubled 26-year-old seen here in video obtained by tmz was arrested early this morning at a new york city nightclub after this man says lohan threw a punch at his wife. >> i don't know. she got drunk and she got crazy. >> reporter: for years now the former child star better known for her rap sheet, the sordid details of her private life continue to make news. >> we can't get enough of the nonstop drama. more in the sense that we are like, again? i can't believe that happened again. we can't believe that she is consistently making these poor decisions. >> reporter: lohan had hoped playing elizabeth taylor in a tv movie would signal her professional comeback, and perhaps it will. >> the vatican, right. >> though her performance as the late legend was universally panned. >> i think before she could always rest on being a good actress, but the reviews were pretty harsh, and her performance was pretty rough.
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>> reporter: this is how lindsay explained her trips to rehab and run-ins with the law. >> i think that everyone goes through things in life. i like to learn from my mistakes obviously, but i wouldn't be who i am today if i hadn't gone through certain things. >> reporter: lindsay lohan's story is a real-life family drama. her mother dina recently making this bizarre appearance on "dr. phil." >> can we cut? oh, god. >> reporter: in addition to her arrest in new york, lindsay lohan was charged with three times in california related to her june car crash on the pacific coast highway. rob, sunny. >> starting to feel sorry for her. it's clear she doesn't have the appropriate support system at home. she doesn't have appropriate handlers. she is just spiraling out of control. so sad. >> i just want to come to her slight defense. everyone knows she had all these troubles. i wonder, as she said, she's a target. someone can provoke her, knowing
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an incident will break out, then the legal thing. then that person says i'm going to get paid, lindsay hit me or did something to me. i think when you establish yourself as a hothead or party girl or troubled girl, people may kind of use that to hair advantage to try to get money. >> a target now. >> who knows what happened. a nasty war of word. and lindsay clocked her. mean girls indeed. >> coming up next, a time challenged, foodies delight. >> a california mall introduces vending machines that dispense caviar. but that is just the beginning. we'll tell you what other high-end product you can find in this very convenient delivery service. stay tuned for that and more on "world news now." >> announcer: "world news now" continues after this from our abc stations.
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los angeles home to movie stars and multibillionaires is los angeles home to movie stars and multibillionaires is known of course for being ritzy. so it should not come as a surprise that folks there like
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to eat and drink very, very well. >> now there's a new concept that makes doing that more convenient. kabc's rob hayes has the story. >> reporter: walk through a mall it's not unusual to come across a vending machine. but walk through this burbank mall and what you will find in this vending machine is incredibly unusual. >> i think it's crazy. >> when i think of a vending machine, i think of a diet coke. >> now escargot and caviar. >> who would have thought caviar in a vending machine. >> reporter: this woman of beverly hills, kcaviar, which fr those with less sophisticated
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palates is. >> fish eggs. >> reporter: very expensive fish legs. stern has three of them in local malls. the prices range from $10 for two ounces of caviar to $500 for imperial river beluga caviar. >> which is wholesale price, literally. we can sell it to restaurant for that price. people can come here and get those prices. >> reporter: once you get your caviar, you are going to need something to drink with it. there's a vending machine for that as well. over at the italian cafe you didn't have to worry about slow wait service. know, buy a wine card and head to one of 60 wine machines. >> go around. place it in the machine. push the button just as so. it dispenses you a one-ounce tasting of wine. you can go around and try different things and enjoy a multitude of wines. >> reporter: vending machines aren't just doling out fancy food. many airports sport high-tech vending machines, pick up ipods, shoes, underwear. one company is working on a marijuana vending machine for dispensaries. stern admits not everyone will be interested in dropping hundreds of dollars into a vending machine. then again she is not targeting everyone.
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>> we're going after the people who have money but not time. >> reporter: of course, vending machine caviar and wine wouldn't be complete without a mechanically delivered dessert. the folk at sprinkles in beverly hills have that covered with their cupcake vending machine. >> rob hayes reporting for abc news. >> only in l.a. the stuff in these machines are so high end -- get this -- the daily inventory is valued at $50,000 in the vending machine. that's how hoity-toity this stuff is. >> that brings us to the facebook question of the day? >> what would you look to see sold in vending machines. log on to facebook page, just give me my skittles, please. me my skittles, please.
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welcome back, everybody. let's start now with the highest paid musicians of 2012. the new forbes list is out. you won't believe who led the pack. dr. dre, may to may, $110
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million, not because of music but the headphones everybody loves. >> i have them. >> beats by dre. others leading the pack -- roger waters, pink floyd, $88 million. u2, $78 million. take that, $69 million. britney spears, $58 million. highest earning woman. taylor swift tied paul mccartney, $57 million. and justin bieber, $55 million. >> we're in the wrong business. >> yes. how about this? company holiday parties? everybody's going to be attending them. apparently massive hangover epidemic. there goes one. massive hangover. >> the picture! >> 96% of americans have either come into work hung over after attending a holiday party. i attended that holiday party, and, um -- >> that is an actual photo from last year's party. >> speaks volumes. >> i don't think i fully recovered from that one either. ooh. nicely done. ♪ politics and foreign wars
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cheek and the "world news" polka ♪ ♪ do the "world news" polka ♪ i said do the "world news" polka ♪ thank you. thank you very much. ♪ do the "world news now" polka ♪ ♪ i said do the "world news" polka ♪ thank you, thank you very much. high speed internet at home on our newly expanded advanced digital network, a connection you can count on. introducing at&t u-verse high speed internet with more speed options, reliability and wi-fi hot spots than ever. go to our website below to get u-verse high speed internet for just 14.95 a month for 12 months with a one-year price guarantee. it's all the speed you need all at a great price. our newly expanded advanced digital network gives you more of what you enjoy online. and with at&t, our wireless gateway turns your home into a private wi-fi hot spot
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that connects your wi-fi devices and can even save on your smart phone data usage at home. go to our website below to get at&t u-verse high speed internet for just 14.95 a month for 12 months with a one-year price guarantee. that includes access on-the-go to our entire national wi-fi hot spot network, with over 30,000 hot spots. at&t u-verse high speed internet. now on our newly expanded advanced digital network, a connection your whole house can count on. ♪
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this morning onwo this morning on "world news now" -- historic vote. a united nations votes overwhelmingly to recognize a palestinian state. >> while the palestinians are celebrating, the u.s. and israel are not. it's friday, november 30th. >> announcer: from abc news, this is "world news now."
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good morning, everybody. i'm rob nelson. we have a little sunshine on a cloudy day. >> you're so kind. so kind. >> my singing is not too good. thank you for tolerating that. >> i am sunny hostin in for paula faris. we'll explain the impact of the u.n. vote in our top story. huge, huge story. >> big news, yeah. >> breaking developments in the search for powerball winners. i am unfortunately not one of them. >> makes two of us. >> but there's word one of the jackpot winners may be from the washington, d.c., area. we'll explain the exchange that took place last night in a convenience store in maryland. >> fascinating. some detective work going on now from surveillance video. >> because we want to know who won. >> judging by this guy's reaction, you'd think he's sitting on something really nice right now. >> i think so. i think so. >> slowly coming together. you're going to love the video.
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stay tuned for that. also this morning, a follow-up to a story that we brought to you about children restrained at school. now we've discovered controversial shock treatments for students, all captured on surveillance cameras. i've got to be honest. i saw this story last night on the evening news and it's hard to watch, and it's hard to imagine that goes on in our schools. >> in our schools. corporal punishment also goes on in some of our schools. something that i always, always am shocked by. >> parents have a lot to say when that video comes on. >> yes, yes. and later this half hour following david beckham's announcement that he is leaving the los angeles pro soccer team, we asked this sexy star athlete what's next. i mean he is still going to be sexy, right? >> are you a beckham fan? >> yes. >> you want to bend it like beckham? first to the shot across the bow, the united nations, an overwhelming vote to legitimize a palestinian state. >> yes. the united states and israel tried to keep it from happening, but in gaza and the west bank this morning, the palestinians
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are rejoicing. abc's karen travers has all of the details. >> the voting has been completed. >> reporter: more than 2/3 of the general assembly voted to recognize a palestinian state, prompting applause at the united nations. in gaza, the west bank. it also generated hugs in the unfurling of the palestinian flag in the u.n. chamber, but got very little reaction from the israeli delegation. it grants the palestinians nonmember, nonvoting observer status at the u.n. >> the united nations general assembly is called upon today to issue a birth certificate of the reality of the state of palestine. >> reporter: the move was baiter diplomatic defeat for israel. >> today the palestinians are turning their back on peace. the only way to achieve peace are through agreements that are reached by the parties and not through the u.n., resolutions that completely ignore israel's
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vital security and national interests. >> reporter: the united states also opposed the votes saying it short sf circuits negotiations between the two-state solution. >> the palestinian people will wake up tomorrow and find that little about their lives has changed, save that the prospects of a durable peace have only receded. >> reporter: approving the observer status is an international endorsement for establishing a palestinian state in the west bank, gaza strip in east jerusalem, the territories captured by israel in the 1967 mid east war. karen travers, abc news, washington. >> a big shift on the global stage. the "associated press," the lead on their story, i think, said it best. the admonition of palestinian as a nonmek state in the u.n. is far more than a symbolic vote. for the palestinians the move gives them an important boost of international legitimacy in their quest for independence. for israel and key ally, united
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states, a diplomatic setback with potentially grave implications. >> i mean absolutely. if you think about it, nine members of the u.n. voted against it. 41 countries abstained. mostly western countries allies of the u.s. in terms tough importance, i think what people need to know that's significant is that the plirchs will now have access to the international criminal court, and that is significant because war crimes and international crime, they now have a place to sort of voice those significant issues. >> all coming on the heels of the recent cease-fire between hamas and israel. so really interesting development here. susan rice, u.n. ambassador had harsh word talk about that later in the show. interesting times. >> interesting times. off. well, there is a desperate search on this morning for an 11-year-old girl with leukemia whose mother walked her out of a hospital in phoenix. doctors fear for the little girl's life because she had a catheter in her heart, and it could get infected if not properly removed. the hospital released these surveillance pictures and is asking for the public's help in
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finding the family. >> bizarre story. well, president obama visits a suburban philadelphia toy factory today, hoping to win some public support for his plan to avoid that so-called fiscal cliff. on capitol hill, it's one step forward, five steps back seems like. neither republicans nor democrats seem willing to budge on the issue of tax raises for the wealthiest americans. in fact, the two sides are so far apart, even just days before the deadline, they can't even agree on where the negotiations stand. >> no substantive progress has been made in the talks between the white house and the house over the last two weeks. >> but all you have to do is just listen to what's happening out there, and you know there is progress. >> now vice president joe biden weighed in at the grand opening of washington's first costco store, saying the middle-class tax cut should become permanent. well, the president stayed out of the fiscal cliff talks,
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instead hosting former rival mitt romney for lunch. the official word is that the two men chatted over turkey, chili and southwestern grilled chicken salad. their conversation focused mostly on how to maintain america's leadership position in the world, and they also pledged to stay in touch. >> no jobs offered. just some friendly chat there. a new federal report says extending jobless benefits for the long-term unemployed could help the economy while costing the government. the congressional budget office report said the benefit extension would add 300,000 jobs to the economy, but the federal price tag would be $30 billion. long-term benefits are set to expire december 29th unless congress approves an extension. hostess got the go-ahead for its bankruptcy selloff plans, wiping out 18,000 jobs along
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with it, but twinkies and some of its other famous products will survive. the company says it is in talks with 110 potential buyers in fact. the court also allowing hostess to pay nearly $2 million to 19 executives so they can manage the bankruptcy. ah, got to love those bonuses. well, fast food workers in new york city rallied for higher pay. a day-long wave of walkout at restaurants, including burger king, taco bell, wendy's, and mcdonald's. part of a drive to unionize and demand a living wage. most earn close to the minimum wage. that is just over 7 bucks an hour. the lucky winners of the record powerball drawing remain a mystery this morning, keeping their identities and their newfound wealth under cover. one of the two winning tickets for the $87 million jackpot was sold in dearborn, missouri. and lottery officials there are holding a news conference today to announce who bought it.
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one man is claiming on facebook that he is the one. but all we can confirm so far is that the ticket was purchased at a gas station/convenience store just north of kansas city. and the second winning ticket was purchased at gas n go market near scottsdale, arizona, but the ticket holder may be all the way across the country. that's right. this is surveillance video at an exxon station in upper marlboro, maryland. shows a man who purportedly just found out he won. the clerk and several customers say the elated man, who appears to be a construction worker, had all six winning numbers. that's right. all six winning numbers and said he purchased the ticket in arizona. he got a full tank of gas and left. so we still don't know who he is. but he did look really excited. >> yeah, that wasn't, a, ooh, i just won $4 moment. that was a moment, oh, my life just changed. maybe it is him. you love to see that kind of
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money not to someone who's already wealthy or won before. >> look at his face. look at his reaction. >> look at it -- oh. oh, i'm coming back and buy every candy bar. >> he shows it. he shows the numbers. >> that's pretty definitive. >> that's pretty significant. one thing i always wondered, why do you have to sort of reveal that you're the winner. see, if i reveal that i'm the winner, i'm going to have all these long-lost cousins. >> pack your bags. according to arizona law, you don't have to go to the press conference and hold the check. but they do release your name in arizona by law and release your name to the neighborhood so people know who you are. and so i just think that is a weird law to me. >> it's weird. >> clearly. it's all right. he's stinking rich now. >> but i'll take the money and lose the anonymity. you're about to see one of the amazing stunts ever. choreographed midair dance between an acrobatic pilot and a skydiver. >> this first move happens quickly.
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they position close to each other. woosh, the plane appears to fly between the skydiver's legs. then watch how the two maneuver so the skydiver seems to touch down, yes, on top of the plane. >> oh. >> look at that. >> and perhaps their final most daring stunt, the plane goes into a twisting free fall, and then the pilot pulls up just in time to cross paths with the parachutist as he hits the ground. >> see, personally, me, i enjoy kind of watching that. it was a little disturbing to me, made me uncomfortable, but there's no way that i would really want to be part of that just because -- >> i'm not. >> -- i don't need that adrenaline. i'm high on life. i don't need the, oh, i'm almost going to die. >> congratulations. >> i made it. >> all took place in the skies over the czech republic, another event, sponsored by red bull. just leak the guy -- >> yes. >> -- who did the free fall from how many miles up. so there are braver souls out there than you and i. i'm glad they're alive to tell
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the story. coming up, movie dramas featuring mobsters and psycho killer. all this morning's "insomniac theater." and soccer star david beckham, his decision to leave the los angeles galaxy. and the new chapter ahead for the sex symbol and his family. you are watching "world news now". >> announcer: "world news now" weather brought to you by sodastream. septic disasters are disgusting and costly, but avoidable.
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we told you yesterday about parent in washington state who were upset because children were being punished in what they call these isolation rooms. >> it turns out that these isolation rooms look this are only the tip of the ice berg in many schools across the country. abc's chief investigative correspondent brian ross has more. >> reporter: this surveillance video shows high school student andre mccollins in the lower right of the screen about to go through what his school calls skin shock therapy for misbehavior. about 60 volts of therapy. there are no national standards for restraints used on students, including andre with behavioral, later tied spread eagle to a restraint board. what happened at this school outside boston, an extreme example, was entirely legal. >> some day we are all going to look back and we're going to say, can you believe what we did here? >> reporter: an abc news investigation has found that only 17 states have specific laws protecting students from harsh treatments and restraints.
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>> there's thousands and thousands of children that have been traumatized, that have been injured. >> reporter: in arizona and washington state, parents are up in arms over padded isolation boxes or cells where students have been left for long stretches. in kentucky a mother found her autistic eight-year-old son had been stuffed into a duffel bag like this one, especially made to restrain children. >> they held me. >> reporter: in pennsylvania a group of students with behavioral issues described to abc news how they had been tied up or manhandled at previous schools. did it hurt? >> yeah. it really did hurt. >> reporter: 11-year-old jordan described being locked up in one of those isolation boxes. >> it's scary. really scary. even for the bravest person in the world, it's still really scary. >> reporter: and even work there have been dozens of deaths of students after being restrained by teachers or staff who were
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untrained or did not know the safe procedures. brian ross, abc news. >> brian pointed out in the piece one of the more alarming things is that there are not a lot of federal standards that guide this kind of thing. it goes state by state, even district by district. >> what's odd, like i mentioned earlier, there is corporal punishment in schools. even in this situation, i thought parents had to sort of sign some sort of waiver allowing the school to implement this kind of punishment on their children. i didn't know that they could just do it. >> hope it wouldn't be up to the district itself. a lot of questions. disturbing individually that's for sure. we'll be back with more right after this. >> announcer: "world news now" continues after this from our abc stations. er: "world news now" continues after this from our abc stations.
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well, earlier this month david beckham announced he is leaving the l.a. galaxy after six years on the team.
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>> beckham, who is, of course, one of most recognizable names in soccer is not planning, though, to hang up his cleats. so espn's correspondent look at what is next. >> david beckham will no longer be bending it with the los angeles galaxy. >> when you first arrived, did you ever have those moments of what am i doing here? did i make the right decision? >> when i first arrived, i was excited when i first played my first game. i was like, this is going to be tough. this is going to be tough. i knew that coming here was always going to be a challenge. and i knew that it was going to be a challenge that i was going to enjoy. still revert to calling it futbol. it is futbol. >> we also have a young up-and-comer on the team, a guy named david beckham. he is tough. in fact, a rare man who can be that tough on the field and also have his own line of underwear.
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♪ i'm just a soul whose intentions are good o lord, please don't let me be misunderstood ♪ >> how did the decision to move on go over with victoria and the kids? >> my wife's amazing. you know, youns it. you've been part of this world for many years. the other half always go through difficult times because we're always away. my wife's a working wife. i love that about her. she's a working mom. she's the most amazing mom to our children. she's a hard-working lady. >> i know you have been quiet on what's next, but what area of the world entices you the most to play in? >> i honestly don't know yet. i feel very honored that at 37
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years old i am still having top clubs that have come in and want to talk to me. it's kind of -- kind of amazed me. i came here six years ago. i said that i was committed to being an ambassador for this game and for this league, for this country and for around the world. and that -- that's never going to change. >> interesting fact i didn't know. he suffers from obsessive compulsive disorder to the point there are three fridges in their house, one for food, salad, drinks. the drinks one, everything has to be even numbers. >> that's okay with me. >> fascinating news. >> that's fine. i'll have four refrigerators for him. >> let me ask you in that picture, did he score? me ask you in that picture, let me ask you. did he score? picture, let me ask you, did he score? [ male announcer ] if you're eligible for medicare,
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now is a good time to think about your options. are you looking for a plan that really meets your needs and your budget? as you probably know, medicare only covers about 80% of your part b medical expenses. the rest is up to you. so consider an aarp medicare supplement insurance plan, insured by unitedhealthcare insurance company. like all standardized medicare supplement plans, they cover some of what medicare doesn't pay. and could save you in out-of-pocket medical costs. call today to request a free decision guide to help you better understand medicare and which aarp medicare supplement plan works best for you. with this type of plan, you'll be able to visit any doctor or hospital that accepts medicare patients... plus, there are no networks,
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and you'll never need a referral to see a specialist. there's a range of plans to choose from, too. and they all travel with you. anywhere in the country. join the millions who have already enrolled in the only medicare supplement plans endorsed by aarp, an organization serving the needs of people 50 and over for generations... and provided by unitedhealthcare insurance company, which has over 30 years of experience behind it. call today. remember, all medicare supplement plans help cover some of what medicare doesn't pay -- expenses that could really add up. these kinds of plans could save you in out-of-pocket medical costs. you'll be able to choose any doctor who accepts medicare patients. and you never need referrals. if you're thinking about your options, call today. when you call, request your free decision guide. and find the aarp medicare supplement plan
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that may be right for you. well, it's time for our friday morning edition of "insomniac theatre," and our first film is getting a lot of buzz. >> it is called "killing them softly" starring brad pitt and james gandolfini.
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a-list. those of you like me who love "the sopranos," good to see him back on the screen. brad pitt stars. back up. three not so bright guys decide to rob a mob-protected card game. that's when all the drama ensues. at that point. brad pitt basically plays a new orleans hit man hired to track them down to kind of restore order to the criminal economy here. corporate america overtones here. political overtones as well. an interesting movie. and brad pitt smelling like chanel no. 5 throughout the thing. take a listen. >> i'm going to call you at 7:30, and if i don't wake you up, i'm going to drop a dime on a couple cops who are going to take you whack to where you are supposed to be. >> oh, yeah? >> no more booze, nothing. get yourself a shower. go to bed. i will get you up and tell you where to be. >> i don't take orders from you! >> 7:30. get some sleep. >> ah, man. i miss "the sopranos."
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the only criticism i heard so far the themes are not handled subtly by the director. beats the point over the head a little bit. but brad pitt getting pretty good reviews for this one. worth checking it out. >> i'll be check it it out, you know. >> mm-hmm. well, from contract killers to serial killers, the next flick is called "the collection." it's about a man who escapes from the vicious grips of the serial killer known as the collector. and this man is blackmailed to rescue an innocent girl elena from the killer's booby trapped warehouse, kidnapped from a club. take a listen to this. >> i'm going in for the girl tonight. and this man o'brien is our best chance to bring her home alive. >> let's be clear about one thing. i'll help you get there, but i will not go inside. >> understood. >> you help us find elena, you walk. >> unfortunately for "the collection," it is getting
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terrible reviews. in fact, 46% from rotten tomato. the san francisco gate says it is bloody, disgusting and ridiculous. the one thing is not horror, not real horror, not cinema. not even fun. >> harsh word. >> it's a horror movie. they're supposed to be campy, terrible, you know. >> sounds like my movie may be a safer bet. you're a brad pitt fan. just look at those commercials. >> that's right.pi@$@ t@
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this morning on "world news now" -- mystery man. is this man seen on a gas station surveillance video one of the big powerball winners? >> ooh, look at that reaction. eyewitnesses caught quite a scene as this guy checked his numbers and then took off. it is the last day of november, friday the 30th.
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>> announcer: from abc news, this is "world news now." good friday morning. i'm sunny hostin. paula faris is on assignment. >> and i'm rob nelson. in a moment we'll have the latest on the search for the new powerball multi-millionaires, and how a ticket from arizona might have ended up in the state of maryland. everyone playing detective on the story trying to figure out, is that guy the one who won big? >> i'm hating on them. >> we all do. a little jealousy is perfectly understandable. also ahead in the show, 'tis the season for warnings about dangerous toys. the feds just rounded up huge shipments of play things that could have been deadly. >> very important story there. and then the story behind a simple act of kindness that's reverberating around the world. a police officer, a homeless man, and a pair of boots warming so many hearts. and this is just my favorite
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story of the day. >> and let's fate it. in a lot of cities, certainly here in new york, we pass homeless people every day just trying to get by. this cop went above and beyond the call of duty and showed an inspiring level of compassion. we'll show you the backstory on that coming up as well. later you figure michael jordan can probably golf anywhere in the world he would like because, you know, he's air jordan after all. but wait till you hear why one golf course just banned him from playing there. that is coming up in "the skinny." wow, anyone bans one of the greatest sports legislates ever. >> that sounds like a bad business decision to me. i don't get it. >> i don't either. we'll explain it. we begin with the $587 million question. just who are the lucky winners of the largest powerball payout ever? it's not me. >> nor me. surveillance video from suburban washington, d.c., shows a man certainly acting like a new multi-millionaire.
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the pictures capture him checking his ticket at a gas station in maryland. the clerk and several customers say he had all six numbers. he said he bought the ticket in arizona, but left without revealing his identity. abc's brandi hitt is following the story and has the latest. good morning, brandi. >> reporter: good morning, rob, sunny. we'll soon learn who is holding one of the two lucky powerball jackpot tickets. later this morning the winner from missouri will be revealed. we don't know yet who the instant multi-millionaires are, but two winning tickets were sold in weekend's record $587 million powerball lottery jackpot. one was purchased in arizona. another in missouri. and powerball officials say they haven't come forward to claim their prize yet. the winning ticket in arizona was a $10 quick pick. >> if you are the winner, we ask you to take the following steps. sign your ticket. it's so important to get that ticket signed. of course, keep the ticket safe.
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>> reporter: the second winning ticket was sold at this truck stop in dearborn, missouri, 35 miles north of kansas city. >> awesome one of us could touch that ticket, you know? that's what makes it so awesome. >> reporter: norman lingle, chairman of powerball's board of directors, says the winners have two options. they can take the cash immediately or spread it out in payments over time. the jackpot rolled over 16 times without a winner. that's why it got so huge. nearly nine million ticket holders won smaller consolation prizes. if you matched five of six numbers, you'll share in a prize totally more than $130 million. one of the $1 million tickets sold at this store in new york. >> somebody win $1 million in my store. that's a great news. >> reporter: the store owner believes the winner is a member of the community. >> no, i wish i was. you would see me jumping up for joy, praising the lord. >> reporter: ticket sales spiked 500% in arizona because players traveled from california to try and get in on the big prize.
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now california will become the 43rd powerball state, thanks to a vote yesterday by the lottery commission. californians can buy their tickets in april. rob, sunny. >> april 8th. to be exact. thank you, brandi, for that report. you can imagine how many tens of millions live in california. now the jackpots will get even bigger with california jumping in. >> why not be a powerball state? >> think about the stat. how crazy people got. at the height of the frenzy the day before, the day of the drawing, they were selling 130,000 ticket as minute out there. >> i bought some. i bought some. did you buy any? >> who couldn't? >> you had to. you have to get wrapped up in it. welcome, california, to the mayhem. all right. other news, the united nations has overwhelmingly approved recognition of a palestinian state. that's a move fiercely opposed by both the u.s. and by israel. however, in the west bank, fireworks went off and the celebration was on. the vote upgraded palestine to a nonmember, nonvoting observer status at the u.n.
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the palestinian delegation unfurled its flag right there on the floor of the general assembly. the u.s., israel, and allies oppose the vote saying it was all premature. the american soldier accused of leaking a trove of classified documents to wikileaks will be questioned in a military court again today. private first-class bradley manning took the stand in a pretrial hearing yesterday making his first public statement since his arrest two years ago. manning wants his case thrown out, claiming he suffered unlawful punishment during his first year in detention. there are reports of a settlement in a sex scandal that made international headlines. no details yet on the agreement between former international monetary fund chief dominique strauss-kahn. you guys probably remember this story. as well as that new york city hotel maid who had accused him of sexual assault.
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prosecutors have dropped criminal charges against strauss-kahn, but the incident ended his political career as well as his marriage. you remember once that woman came forward and gave that big interview to robin roberts last year, and then several other women came out as well. he kind of never admitted guilt but said it was a moral lapse, whatever happened in that hotel room. so according to some sources there will be another court hearing next week on the matter. >> and i was covering that story and i was trying to remind everyone that when i was analyzing it, that just because the prosecutor says i can't prove this case does not mean it didn't happen. it just means that something fell apart, perhaps the victim has given conflicting testimony, stories, something has changed, but it doesn't mean it didn't happen. this settlement in my view, you know -- >> how much money are we talking? >> talking millions of dollars. >> really? yeah. there's also some sort of confidentiality clause that she can't talk about this ever again. >> but it's safe to say she may not be a hotel maid much longer? >> i think it's safe to say, yes.
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>> ah, yes. there we go. well, federal agents seized a shipment full of dangerous counterfeit toys. investigators say the products that arrived on a new jersey dock were loaded with lead paint and banned chemicals. many were not wired properly. others had small parts, posing choking hazards. and all were destined for store shelves and eventually into the hands of children. >> it bothers me when little children have access to lead that's way beyond the limits and also when children get small parts and swallow them and it lodges and asphyxiates them. >> all the seized "made in china" products will be destroyed. parents are warned to be extra vigilant about toys they're buying during this holiday shopping season. those powerful storms pounding the west coast are not letting up this morning. parts of northern california and oregon are feeling the brunt of the torrential rain and gusty winds this morning. by the time it is all over some areas could see up to 20 inches of rain, and higher elevations are expecting more than 8 feet
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of mountain snow. i don't know if i have ever said that in my life -- 8 feet of snow. on top of that, flood watches and warnings issued now from san francisco to southern oregon. that storm is also kicking up high surf that is crashing down on just about the entire coast of california. they're now seeing the biggest waves of the season, as high as 20 feet, in fact, and surfers in the southern part of the state were, of course, making the best of it, hanging ten. that's right. yeah. all right. here's the rest of your friday forecast now. we have rain, mountain snow in the pacific northwest and northern rockies. some morning fog and light drizzle in the los angeles area. rain and snow showers around northern michigan, green bay, and milwaukee. and western new york also gets a wintry mix. >> 40s from chicago to new york. mostly 70s across the south. 60s from salt lake city to albuquerque. and warning, this next video may be difficult to watch. a strong man from the nation of georgia, yes, set out for a new world record by pulling a truck
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with his ear. the truck weighed more than 8 tons. >> good lord. somehow the team managed to attach a rope to his left ear without it falling off somehow, and he pulled that truck more than 70 feet. the guy said he trained two months, which topped his ear achievement in 2011, pulling a seven-on the military helicopter at the time. >> i'm just so disturbed by this. >> we all have dreams and hobbies. >> i can't. i just -- >> yes, it will be submitted to the guinness world record. not to mention the local chapter of mensa. all right. coming up next, michael jordan's outrage at the country club, and it was not about his golf score. >> hmm. and a new york police officer's act of kindness getting attention worldwide. what an inspiration for us all. you're watching "world news now."
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♪ everything's right i said hey i put some new shoes on ♪ >> announcer: "world news now" weather brought to you by united health care. now" weather brought to you by united health care. ♪ everything's right i said hey i put some new shoes on ♪ >> announcer: "world news now" weather brought to you by united health care. and your budget? as you probably know, medicare only covers about 80% of your part b medical expenses. the rest is up to you. so consider an aarp medicare supplement insurance plan, insured by unitedhealthcare insurance company. like all standardized medicare supplement plans, they cover some of what medicare doesn't pay. and could save you in out-of-pocket medical costs. call today to request a free decision guide to help you better understand medicare and which aarp medicare supplement plan
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works best for you. with this type of plan, you'll be able to visit any doctor or hospital that accepts medicare patients... plus, there are no networks, and you'll never need a referral to see a specialist. there's a range of plans to choose from, too. and they all travel with you. anywhere in the country. join the millions who have already enrolled in the only medicare supplement plans endorsed by aarp, an organization serving the needs of people 50 and over for generations... and provided by unitedhealthcare insurance company, which has over 30 years of experience behind it. call today. remember, all medicare supplement plans help cover some of what medicare doesn't pay -- expenses that could really add up. these kinds of plans could save you in out-of-pocket medical costs. you'll be able to choose any doctor who accepts medicare patients.
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♪ ♪ hey i put some new shoes on ♪ and suddenly everything is right ♪ amazing, really, isn't the right word for the next story. everybody loves this one for good reason. a new york city cop in a private
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moment of kindness buys a pair of boots for a man who was barefoot and homeless on the street. >> this is our "favorite story of the day." absolutely. after a tourist snapped a picture, that picture went viral. the officer came forward. abc's dan harris has more. >> reporter: a new york city police officer on a frigid november night in times square, bending down to give a homeless and shoeless man a pair of brand-new boots. this scene would have gone unnoticed except jennifer foster, a tourist, just happened to be there. >> i heard him quite clearly say i have these size 12 all-weather boots for you. let's take care of you. >> reporter: she surreptitiously snapped this picture and sent it to the nypd. the department posted to facebook, it has 2 million views, 400,000 likes and 28,000 comments and passed from romania to russia to china.
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and the officer himself came forward. he is lawrence deprimo, an unfailingly polite 25-year-old who still lives with his mom and dad. >> so i went up to him and i was like, buddy, where's your socks, where's your shoes? he said, i never had a pair of socks or shoes, officer, but god bless you. i knew right then i needed to help him. >> reporter: when you presented him with the boots, what was his reaction? >> he couldn't believe it. he was like, this is too much, officer. god bless you, be safe, everything. like i said, almost like you gave him $1 million. >> reporter: officer deprimo doesn't know anything about the man he helped or what's become of him, but he keeps the receipt for the $75 he spent on the boots in his bulletproof vest, a reminder for all of us about the pervasiveness of need and the potential for compassion. dan harris, abc new, new york. >> just a pure act of kindness. >> and he heard someone -- >> pure. >> and just before he got the boots, he heard someone chuckle at the homeless guy on the street.
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he said, what are you kidding me? went over and got the boots. and even the store he went to, the manager there used his employee discount to get the boots a little cheaper because he knew what the cop was going to do for the homeless guy. >> 78 75 bucks, that's a lot of money on anyone's salary, but a public servant's salary? a lot of money. >> salute the cop. glad it has gone viral. >> only 25 years old. that struck me as well. >> young and compassionate. >> that maturity and compassion for someone that age. >> mama raised him right. >> yes, yes. >> yes, indeed. coming up next, all the real-life drama that forced superstar halle berry to make a big move. and a new chapter in justin bieber's legal controversy. that's coming up next in "the skinny." >> announcer: "world news now" continues after this from our abc stations. rom our abc stations.
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♪ skinny so skinny ♪ skinny so skinny welcome back, everybody, to "the skinny." interesting kind of situation for nba legend/rock star michael jordan. apparently he showed up at la gorce country club, a swank little place in miami to play a little bit of golf. he loves golf. apparently he had played golf there for a lot of years. apparently he had on cargo shorts at the time. all right, fine. weather is warm in miami. at the 12th hole he was approached. >> he looks pretty good. >> looks good. 12th hole approached by personnel at the club. they said it is against the dress code policy to wear cargo shorts. please go back to the clubhouse and change. jordan refused to go back to the clubhouse. and then they said, okay, well,
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you're no longer allowed back here, mr. michael jordan. his folks released a statement and say he had been there many times before, had worn cargo pants previously, never made aware that was against the policy. and, yes, it's true. he refused to interrupt his game. we weren't aware of the policy. his agent, representative, said i guess it is their loss. m.j. is great golfer and great guest. i don't know what business on the planet would turn michael jordan away, but apparently the la gores country club in miami is one of them. >> nice going. la gorce. smart. >> it's michael jordan. >> good business decision. [ laughter ] well, halle berry, halle berry, very unlucky in love we have been talking about the fact there was that big showdown between halle berry's ex, the father of her 4 1/2-year-old beautiful little girl, nahla, and her fiance, olivier martinez. now apparently halle berry and gabriel reached a truce in their custody war, any protective, and any temporary restraining order against aubrey has been lifted.
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it's unclear whether or not aubry's restraining order against martinez filed monday, you know, whether or not that remains in effect, but at least it appears that they have reached a truce, which is terrific because they are the parents of a 4 1/2-year-old and it clearly isn't in the best interest of the child for them to be squabbling the way they have been. but i will say, you know, halle berry wanted to take the little girl away to france. >> that didn't sit well. >> and her new fiance really beat up aubrey. that's crazy. >> maybe a truce. they're moving forward. >> look at that. that was a very violent altercation. i guess maybe it was so violent she wants to get out of the home because she's listed her hollywood hills home where this
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took place on the market, $15 million is the asking price. look at that. >> olivier got the better of the matchup. the story from a year ago, justin bieber, paternity suit, the woman came forward, we had a backstage tryst, the kid is yours. at the time what was central was the paternity test. bieber said, look, fine, i will take it. apparently, her lawyer, all these months later, saying, look, we don't have the results of that pa ternts test, whether justin is, in fact, the father. >> but he took the paternity test. he took it, right? >> they are saying they do not have the results. still waiting for them. who knows. real quick, medical note, joe jackson, father of michael jackson, suffered a mild stroke in the hospital, recuperating. we wish him well. of michael jackson, suffered a mild stroke in the hospital, recuperating. wish him well. now." in the hospital, recuperating. wish him well. [ female announcer ] he could be your soulmate.
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now." >> sleep is overrated. you are watching "world news now." >> sleep is overrated. ♪ ♪ now." >> sleep is overrated. ♪ all right. time now to take a look back at the week that was, and it was all about the benjamins, baby.
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>> from the crush of holiday shoppers to powerball fever to fears of a fiscal cliff, here's our "friday rewind." >> it's become pre-thank, black, small biz cyber week. >> in cyber monday's a big deal for us. it's real. it's not something made up for us to get some hype. >> free powerball tickets for the next drawing. >> it would be the best thing in the world. nobody in my family would ever have to worry about anything again. if congress does nothing, every family in america will see their taxes automatically go up at the beginning of next year. >> i will violate the pledge, long story short, for the good of the country. >> i'm not obligated on the pledge. >> the world has changed, and the economic situation is different. >> susan rice is extraordinary. i couldn't be prouder of the job that she has done. >> the concerns i have are greater today than they were before. >> by all accounts she is
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talented, capable, and extremely abrasive. >> we have a new -- a new -- [ indiscernible ] >> reporter: the crowd is chanting the same chants we heard two years ago during the revolution. the industry apparel brand in the u.s. have been warned again and again about the extreme dangers to apparel workers in bangladesh and yet they have not taken action. >> i was blown away that at the heart of this hunt was this young woman who had a kind of tenacity and dedication and a courage. she would never say no. i'm on "two and a half men." i don't want to be on it. please stop watching it. please stop filling your head with filth. the winners and champions of "dancing with the stars" all-stars, melissa and tony! [ cheers and applause ] >> i think that this is kind of dannielynn's way of paying tribute to her mom in her own special way. >> i look at the picture.
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it is amazing how much that little girl looks like her mom. beautiful little girl. >> isn't that unbelievable? >> beautiful. her mom was gorgeous. >> absolutely. you have to wonder if she'll go down the same path professionally, follow in her footsteps with the modeling, you know, and gets the bug and keeps going. interesting. never dull what happens in a week. we want to know what you are up to out there. tweets us pictures of why you're watching. twitter, abcwnn, use hash tag, #wnnfans. >> announcer: this is abc's "world news now," informing insomniacs for two decades. informing insomniacs for two decades. [ female announcer ] now get high speed internet at home
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making news in america this morning, the lottery mystery man. >> caught on surveillance camera in suburban washington. is that one of the winner's of the week's gigantic powerball lottery? we should find out about other winners today. and then, palestinians


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